Link to Lobbying Disclosure Online Reporting

Notice: Online Lobby Reporting Available

There are newer web based versions of the lobbying disclosure forms available for use on all of your future filings. These new Online Lobbying Disclosure forms have been available for over three years now and will be replacing the IBM forms early next year.

Online Lobbying Reporting

We encourage you to start using these forms as we will not be accepting IBM forms after the 2014 Fourth Quarter filing period (ending January 20th, 2015).

Download Template Forms

If you are an active registrant, you can download IBM Workplace forms that are pre-populated with your registrant and client information. To locate your forms, enter your registrant name in the field below and click the "Search" button. If you are not sure of the Registrant name, you can view the list of active registrant names in alphabetical order using the links below.

If you have just registered a new client and a link to the pre-populated form is not available, please check the download page again later in the day. The icon will be displayed when the new form is available.

Registrant Name:

View Alphabetically:

Registrant Name Registrant ID LD-1 Form
J M Burkman & Associates 36049 Download Form
Download all client formsDownload all client forms
Client Name House ID LD-2 Form
ACT INC 360490498
Adding To Inc. 360490488
Ala-Septic Pharmaceutical Research LLC 360490528
Bentley, Wolfe & Peters LLC 360490522
Biocare Pharmacy 360490519
Blue Moon Operating 360490518
Carr Management Group LLC 360490516
Charles Warren Sens 360490525
Cleanwurx Inc 360490517
Cypress Home Developments 360490529
Darco Construction 360490354
Doctor Richard Goulding 360490442
Dr. Daniel Nam 360490524
Hamilton Staffing Solutions 360490514
Hoops and Fitness 360490259 Download Form
Huff Strategies 360490511
Jennifer Banmiller 360490512
JV Rentals 360490527
Keith Ly 360490510
Launchcart 360490535
Liberty Builders 360490489
Living Fresno Inc 360490526
Marlin Darrah 360490533
Mocha Man Coffee 360490492
ONFA Fintech USA 360490523
Pate Dane 360490359
Patricia and Scott Ferrell (404-457-4969) 360490414
PJM Power Ventures 360490507
Pressure Partners 360490531
Rhino, Inc. 360490493
Roark Farms (Bob Roark 719-337-4182) 360490445
Royal Family Farming 360490532
Saltwater Farms LLC 360490530
Steve Warnecke 360490437
T L Tedford Enterprises Inc 360490534
Tim McPhee 360490536
Vivcor Systems Inc. 360490513

Forms Archive

Click on the link below to download blank semiannual LD2 forms.
Forms Archive

Install Form Viewer Software

The IBM Workplace Viewer software is required to work with the Lobbying Disclosure forms on a Windows computer. To download the application, enter your registrant name and e-mail address in the fields listed below and click the "download" button.

Registrant Name:
